How can I trust digital signature on agreement?

Is Digital signature valid when created by RentOnCloud app


Digital signatures are becoming commonplace with online and remote transactions in the UK. They not only make the process faster and easier, but they are legally binding and admissible in court - this was established by the Electronic Communications Act 2000 and subsequent EU Directives. See this guidance from GOV.UK for more detail.

Having said that - Our app provide an easy to use document builder to create rental agreement and use digital sign feature. In case, you don't want to sign then you can choose upload option of contract by using our template built online or your own template. So both tenants/landlord can sign it personally (as well as online) if you prefer.

If you are in any doubt about the content or effect of this agreement, we recommend that you seek independent legal advice before signing.

You can learn more about next FAQ topic : How can I download rental agreement template created by RentOnCloud app?

Need more help? Get in touch with us.
Last updated on October 2021